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Mesoamerican Pacific Dry Deciduous Forest - Code: Ne5A

Habitat in a Nutshell

Dry tropical forest that appears lush in the wet season but stark in the dry season, when the canopy loses many of its leaves. Global Habitat Affinities: Southeast Asian Dry Deciduous Forest, Indian Dry Deciduous Forests, Malagasy Deciduous Forests, Neotropical Pacific Dry Deciduous Forests, Caatinga. Continental Habitat Affinities: Yucatan Dry Deciduous Forest, Mesoamerican Semi-evergreen Forest. Species Overlap: Yucatan Dry Deciduous Forest, Sonoran Desert, Madrean Encinal, Tamaulipan Meztizal.

Mesoamerican Pacific Dry Deciduous Forest - Code: Ne5A

Description of Habitat

There are few tropical habitats that experience the incredible transformations seen in the Mesoamerican Pacific Dry Deciduous Forests. While rainfall is variable throughout this habitat, the average dry season is 7 months long with less than 3.5 inches (100mm) of rainfall in total. At the height of the dry season, the forest is mostly leafless and the large columnar cactus are often the most prominent feature on the landscape. Wildlife is easy to spot during this time of years as the habitat is much more open and the presence of animals is often revealed by the loud crunching of dry leaves. The wet season is also variable with 20-55 inches (450-1400mm) of rain falling between June and September. During and immediately following the rainy season, Mesoamerican Pacific Dry Deciduous Forest is lush, humid and covered in tangled vines with a dense canopy, resembling Central American Semi-evergreen Forest. This habitat is generally found from sea-level to 5000 ft (1500m), though it occurs slightly higher in the Balsas drainage and Chiapas depression. 
The canopy of Pacific Dry Deciduous Forests is usually closed and reaches a height of 35-80 feet (10-25m). Many of the trees in this habitat are very distinctive and give the environment an alien, Seussian feel. In particular the massive kapok (Ceiba sp) with their spiky, bulbous trunks, green bark and puffy white flowers seem like they’re out of story book. Other common canopy trees include gumbo-limbo (Bursera sp.), dagame (Calycophyllum candidissimum), Geiger tree (Cordia sebestena), Black sapote (Diospyros nigra), Devil’s ear (Enterolobium sp.), figs (Ficus sp.), frangipani (Plumeria rubra), and panalillo (Thouinidium decandrum). Many of the trees are heavily covered in epiphytes, this is especially obvious during the dry season. 
The understory of this forest is thick and viny and can often feel impenetrable. Some areas surveyed found the lianas account for 20% of all stems in the forest, adding to the dense tangled feel. Large columnar cactus are also an important component, some like candelabro (Pachycereus weberi) can reach 50 feet (16m) in height and actually join the canopy. The rest of the understory consists of a diverse array of small trees and evergreen shrubs. Often this habitat feels like Caribbean Thorn Scrub with a canopy overlaying it. Many of the understory shrubs are thorny. The understory typically lacks grasses and small herbaceous plants are sparse, except for a short time during the rainy season.

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